Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mom is Coming to Town

I've realized that one of my biggest issues with writing is that every time I sit down I want to write something profound. I want someone to read what I've written and think, my god, it's brilliant! I can't tell you how many days I sit down to write and walk away and give up because I had nothing profound to say, and today I had a bit of a revelation. In my experiences, people say the most profound things when they aren't trying to be profound. The best quotes are from people who were just describing and accessing everyday life around them. I think very often brilliant writing is an accident.


Yesterday my mother came to Chico for a visit. I wish everyone in the world could feel that comfort that I feel when I see my mom. Knowing she's in the world making it a better place gives me comfort. For me she is the personification of good, or what I perceive is good.

What is good? For those who are religious I suppose the doctrines of their faith determine what is good and what is not. But for those who do not claim a particular religion as their own, how do they know what is good and what is not? The most common answer would probably be that we as humans can feel what is good. I'm not sure that I'm convinced of that. It can't all be relative. There has to be some... ultimate formula for what is good. For me, my mother is the embodiment of that formula.

So she came to town and we got our nails done, went shopping, cooked dinner together and finally she met my people. My people consist of three guys and about four or five girls. They are my people because I see them as my family here in Chico. We hang out, we laugh, we have cried, we have fought, I've started to yell... all of this because we care about each other. We keep track of each other, share secret memories, save cake for, go on dates with... all things that families do with one another. I didn't expect that it would be a little bit odd for me to have my mother meet my new family. It wasn't odd in a bad way, it's just always surreal to see different parts of your life meet right in front of you.

All things considered, it was fun. The food was great. Everyone was happy to be there. It was good times.

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